Open Learning Exchange Nepal is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing teaching and learning in schools through the integration of technology in the classroom. Their mission is to promote inclusion and provide uniform access to quality educational materials across different geographic areas and socio-economic strata.
OLE is committed to making learning more relevant, fun and engaging via the flexible medium of ICT; allowing children to focus on their strengths and learn at various paces.
As well as working on large-scale projects with partners such as Nepal’s Department of Education, OLE Nepal has prepared an extensive collection of interactive digital learning materials based on school curricula, and has developed a digital library with support from the Nepal Library Foundation.
OLE has also provided training for over 200 teachers in using laptops and digital learning materials in their teaching practices. OLE Nepal has been instrumental in advising Nepal’s Ministry of Education in the preparation and development of their ICT in Education Master Plan.
Gorkha Foundation teams up with OLE Nepal to build e-libraries in Gorkha schools, and so far the partnership has successfully installed 10 new facilities. As part of the earthquake rebuild project, OLE Nepal is also building several elementary schools in the region.