Please help us save Ukrainian lives!
Please help us save Ukrainian lives! With the assistance of several supporting organizations, we have created a clear, secure and simple-to-execute pathway for coronary care surgical supplies contributors, be they medical supply houses, manufacturers, health chains, hospitals, or even individual practices, to support Ukrainian hospitals and cardiovascular centers with the specific surgical materials requested by Interventional Cardiologist Dr. Igor Polivenok, Department of Interventional Cardiology, Kharkiv.
To financially support the Heart of Ukraine’s logistical efforts, please click on the link to connect with our PayPal account where 100% of contributions are tax deductible and will be spent on supporting the Heart of Ukraine project.
Please help us connect with medical institutions, hospitals, manufacturers or public institutions who can donate these urgently needed supplies. If you or your colleagues can help, please contact Carlos Buhler via: email: or by phone mobile : +1 403 609 0923 / land line: +1 403 609 0123.Carlos, a Board Member of the Gorkha Foundation, is spearheading this appeal in North America.
Please note: Expired and near-to-expired product is fully acceptable for contributions. Expired and near-to-expired medical product regulations in Ukraine are lenient enough that this product is enthusiastically welcome.
Dr. Igor Polivenok, MD, FSCAI (Fellow of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions) in surgery.

Photos by Jordan Campbell,